Chandra Source Catalog

Table Access Protocol

Chandra Data Archive

The Table Access Protocol (TAP) web service allows the user to write SQL-like queries against the Chandra Source Catalog using the Astronomical Data Query Language. The service implements the IVOA Table Access Protocol (v1.0).

This TAP implementation supports both asynchronous and synchronous queries. The base URL for executing synchronous queries against the Chandra Source Catalog TAP service is

The service accepts the following parameters in the HTTP query:

A TAP request may be executed on the Unix command line using the HTTP query syntax with a command-line tool such as cURL or Wget.

curl --request POST \
  --location \
  --data REQUEST=doQuery \
  --data PHASE=RUN \
  --data FORMAT=votable \
  --data LANG=ADQL \
  --data 'QUERY=SELECT, m.ra, m.dec from csc21.master_source m' \

The /tables endpoint provides a complete listing of tables and columns available through the TAP web service.

An asynchronous endpoint is available for programmatic interfaces. We provide a graphical interface, seleste, which is built on top of the asynchronous functionality.

Finally, a form has been provided which will perform synchronous TAP queries.