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seleste CLI User's Guide


  usage: TapCli <subcommand> [-v] [-?] [-V]

  Available subcommands:
   availability   Access TAP <baseurl>/availability endpoint.
   capabilities   Access TAP <baseurl>/capabilities endpoint.
   tables         Access TAP <baseurl>/tables endpoint.
   jobs           Access TAP <baseurl>/async endpoint.
   sync           Access TAP <baseurl>/sync endpoint.
   async          Access TAP <baseurl>/async endpoint.
   results        Access TAP <baseurl>/async/<jobid>/results endpoint.
   error          Access TAP <baseurl>/async/<jobid>/error endpoint.

  Available options:
   v,--verbose   Print additional information while executing.
   V,--version   Print version information and exit.
   ?,--help      Print usage information and exit.


usage: availability -b <URL> [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>   TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -o,--output <file>   Write output to file instead of stdout.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose         Print additional information while executing.
 -V,--version         Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help            Print usage information and exit.


usage: capabilities -b <URL> [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>   TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -o,--output <file>   Write output to file instead of stdout.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose         Print additional information while executing.
 -V,--version         Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help            Print usage information and exit.


usage: tables -b <URL> [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>   TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -o,--output <file>   Write output to file instead of stdout.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose         Print additional information while executing.
 -V,--version         Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help            Print usage information and exit.


usage: jobs -b <URL> [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>   TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -o,--output <file>   Write output to file instead of stdout.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose         Print additional information while executing.
 -V,--version         Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help            Print usage information and exit.


usage: sync -b <URL> -q <query> [-f <mimetype_or_alias>] [-l <language>]
            [-m <number_of_rows>] [-u <table_name,URI>] [-o <file>] [-v]
            [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>                TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -q,--query <query>                TAP data or metadata query, e.g.
                                   'select table_name from
                                   TAP_SCHEMA.tables'.  Required.
 -f,--format <mimetype_or_alias>   Output format for query results, e.g.
                                   'application/x-votable+xml' or
                                   'votable'.  Defaults to 'votable'.
 -l,--lang <language>              Query language, e.g. ADQL or ADQL-2.0.
                                   Defaults to 'ADQL'.
 -m,--maxrec <number_of_rows>      Maximum number of result rows to
                                   return.  Optional
 -o,--output <file>                Write output to file instead of stdout.
 -u,--upload <table_name,URI>      User upload table.  The table name is
                                   an ADQL unqualified identifier, e.g.
                                   1.0'.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose                      Print additional information while
 -V,--version                      Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help                         Print usage information and exit.


usage: async -b <URL> [-j <jobid>] [-p {run|abort}] [-q <query>] [-f
             <mimetype_or_alias>] [-l <language>] [-m <number_of_rows>]
             [-r <runid>] [-u <table_name,URI>] [-d <timestamp>] [-e
             <number_of_seconds>] [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>                           TAP service base URL.
 -q,--query <query>                           TAP data or metadata query,
                                              e.g. 'select table_name from
 -j,--jobid <jobid>                           Identifier associated with
                                              the asynchronous query on
                                              the TAP service.  Required
                                              if referencing an existing
                                              query on the TAP service.
 -f,--format <mimetype_or_alias>              Output format for query
                                              results, e.g.
                                              or 'votable'.  Defaults to
 -l,--lang <language>                         Query language, e.g. ADQL or
                                              ADQL-2.0.  Defaults to
 -m,--maxrec <number_of_rows>                 Maximum number of result
                                              rows to return.  Optional.
 -o,--output <file>                           Write output to file instead
                                              of stdout.  Optional.
 -p,--phase <{ run | abort }>                 Set the execution phase,
                                              i.e. start a query running
                                              or abort a query.  Accepted
                                              values are 'run' and
                                              'abort'.  Required to start
                                              a query; without this option
                                              a query is created but not
                                              executed on the TAP service.
 -r,--executionduration <number_of_seconds>   The duration for which an
                                              asynchronous query should be
                                              allowed to run on the TAP
                                              service.  Optional.
 -u,--upload <table_name,URI>                 User upload table.  The
                                              table name is an ADQL
                                              unqualified identifier, e.g.
 -v,--verbose                                 Print additional information
                                              while executing.
 -V,--version                                 Print version information
                                              and exit.
 -?,--help                                    Print usage information and


usage: results -b <URL> -j <jobid> [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>   TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -j,--jobid <jobid>   Identifier associated with the asynchronous query on
                      the TAP service.  Required.
 -o,--output <file>   Write output to file instead of stdout.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose         Print additional information while executing.
 -V,--version         Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help            Print usage information and exit.


usage: error -b <URL> -j <jobid> [-o <file>] [-v] [-?] [-V]

Available options:
 -b,--baseurl <URL>   TAP service base URL.  Required.
 -j,--jobid <jobid>   Identifier associated with the asynchronous query on
                      the TAP service.  Required.
 -o,--output <file>   Write output to file instead of stdout.  Optional.
 -v,--verbose         Print additional information while executing.
 -V,--version         Print version information and exit.
 -?,--help            Print usage information and exit.